White Window 1.xx User's Guide
Control software for White Instruments 5022XL, 5024XL, IQ5022XL, IQ5024XL, and 5024IQ digital signal processors.
This document This document describes how White Windows can be used to setup and control a White Instruments 5022XL, 5024XL, IQ5022XL, IQ5024XL, or 5024IQ product. The software and hardware requirements are reviewed, and instruction is given on the use of the White Windows software. A knowledge of the Windows 95 operating system and the audio features offered on the 502X is assumed. In this help document, the term "502X" refers to any of the above models unless otherwise noted. Please Note: The 502X DSPs have a finite limit to their computational resources. This is quantified as a maximum of 35 filter units. With the exception of delay, each filter or limiter implemented in the unit will deduct from the total resource available. It is, therefore, suggested that the user, first, plan the utilization of the unit's computational resource by refering to the DSP 5000 Series - Resource Table and Worksheet in the Technical Reference section of this document.
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To start right away...
If you prefer to get White Windows installed and on-line before preceding with reading this document, refer to Getting started and Connecting to hardware. Make sure you understand and meet the Requirements.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
White Windows capabilities
White Windows provides a graphical user interface for the 502X products. With White Windows, you can:
- add, remove, and edit parametric, highpass, lowpass, and shelving filters
- add, remove, and edit crossovers
- adjust input levels and assignment
- adjust output gains, delay, phase-inversion, and mute status
- turn on/off limiting on output channels
- save and restore to internal memory locations in the502X
- store and recall device settings from the PC's hard drive
If you need help If you have exhausted the trouble-shooting procedures described in Troubleshooting contact technical support at (512)389-3800 or email technical@whiteinstruments.com
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Hardware White Windows 1.05 requires a 5022XL, 5024XL, IQ5022XL, IQ5024XL, or 5024IQ with firmware version 2.26 or higher. 4MB free hard-drive space is required on the host computer. A pentium-class processor with 16MB of RAM and 256 color display is strongly recommended.
The IQ5022XL, IQ5024XL, and 5024IQ are equipped with a current-loop port and require an RS-232 to current-loop converter between the computer and the processor. This converter (often a White Link, White Link II or Crown Pocket Interface) requires a power source and a 4-conductor cable, both of which are described in the product manual for the respective converter device.
The 5022XL and 5024XL use a direct RS-232 connection and require a standard 9-pin RS-232 cable.
Software White Windows runs on the Windows 95 operating system.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Setting up the hardware
To connect the 502X unit to your computer, perform the following steps:
1. On the IQ5022XL, IQ5024XL, or 5024IQ units, attach the 9-pin RS-232 or 25-pin RS-232 cable on the interface to your PC's serial port and connect the interface's four-pin cable to the unit's IQ interface port (located on the left side of the rear of the unit). On the 5022XL or 5024XL, connect a standard 9-pin RS-232 cable directly from your PC's serial port to the RS-232 connection on the rear of the device. For the 5022XL and 5024XL devices, this completes the hardware connection process; all other device types should procede to the next step.
2. Make sure the interface device is set to the correct baud rate (38400). This should agree with the setting used by White Windows, which assumes 38400 as the default.
3. With the interface device turned off, turn power on to the502X..
4. After about 3 seconds, apply power to the interface device (this may be done by turning on the device or attaching the power cord, depending on the device type).
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Getting started
The window titled "White 502X" is the main window of White Windows. This window shows a symbolic representation of the signal flow through the unit, along with other controls. At the top of the window is the application's main menu. To get started using White Windows, read the following topics:
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
COM port The dialog for configuring the port is under the Hardware | Interface ... selection of the main menu. Make sure that the baud rate is set to 38400 and the correct COM port number is selected for your computer. The Timeout and Retries parameters adjust the amount of time White Windows allows to pass while waiting for a response from the device before reporting that an error has occured. For larger values of these parameters, especially Timeout, communications tend to run a little slower but more robustly.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Device type White Windows begins with a 5024 selected as the default device type.
If you have a 5022, you can change to this type by selecting the Hardware | Select Device ... menu option. Choose the 5022 device type.
When you close the dialog, you will notice that the "C" and "D" sections of the main dialog (representing the C and D output channels for a 5024 model) are disabled.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Offline mode White Windows starts in offine mode. This means that the window controls do not represent or modify the settings on whatever 502X device might be attached to your PC. The controls instead represent the state of a virtual device that is stored in PC memory. This virtual device has the same parameters of a real device, and White Windows will react to changes of these parameters in most cases exactly as if the device were real.
The virtual device can be saved to disk for upload to a real device later. Offline mode is a good place to experiment with the capabilities of White Windows. For further instruction on using White Windows to change parameters, proceed to Editing parameters. If you want to go online now, proceed to Connecting to hardware.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Editing parameters
Most parameter changes in White Windows are self-explanatory at the lowest level. A slider labeled Delay for instance, will modify and report the delay setting for the associated output channel.
The majority of the parameters that White Windows can adjust are in the following groups:
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Main window controls The main window represents the signal processing architecture of the DSP502X. The signal-flow diagram represents two inputs to the left and two or four output channels on the right. In between, signals are routed through a 2x4 mixer (represented by the button labeled (X). All controls related to a given channel are grouped in a labeled rectangle (A for instance). An LED indicator is used to show the signal clipping condition. Other controls in the main window include the DSPI light toggle (used for diagnostics and little else), the contact switch enable control, and buttons to launch dialogs that control memory and security features. Each output channel has a "Mute" button which toggles whether or not the signal is passed.
Limiting is turned on for each channel by clicking the "Limit" button in the output channel group.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Mixer controls
Launch the mixer dialog by pressing the button in the middle of the signal flow diagram labeled X.
Mixer button This dialog allows each output to be assigned either or both input channels as sources. In Mono mode, both inputs are assumed to have the same signal and an analog averaging is used to improve noise performance. In this mode, only the right channel's controls are active even though the left input channel can still be used. In stereo, both channels are enabled.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Channel controls The main screen buttons labeled R, L or R+L will launch the channel dialog screen. In this dialog, filters are assigned to the channel and attributes such as level and delay are adjusted. See Filters for details on adjusting filters. From the channel dialog, you can switch to the other channels using the series of labeled buttons in the upper left. The depressed button indicates the currently selected channel.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Connecting to hardware
The following topics describe issues relating to getting White Windows to communicate to the hardware. Also see Setting up the hardware.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Bus interrogation
The first step White Windows performs in connecting to 502Xhardware is interrogating the bus. This can be done one of two ways. If you are using only one device on the bus, you should use fast roll call. If you are using a multiple devices, especially a mixture of 5022s and 5024s on the same bus, you must not use fast roll call. This is very important, because both 5022s and 5024s will stop communicating on the bus if a fast roll call is issued for the other device type. If a fast roll call is performed for the 5022 device, for instance, all 5024 devices on the bus will need to have power cycled on them before they will respond to communication traffic again. If you are using fast roll call, you must select the device type. This is not the same, necessarily, as the device type for offline mode. The device type interrogated by the fast roll call is specified by the Hardware | Select FRC device ... menu option. Proceed with Hardware | Find White Devices. A dialog will appear as the bus is enumerated. When the process is complete a dialog will appear telling you how many devices were found. If only one device was found, White Windows will attempt to go online with the device. If several devices are found, a dialog will open and you must select the device with which White Windows will go online. White Windows will upload device parameters, during which the "Busy" light in the lower-right corner of the main window will be on. Pending successful upload of the device parameters, the light will go off and the "Online" box will be checked. If White Windows cannot find all devices or an error is reported while going online, see the section on Troubleshooting.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Online and offline
Once the bus has been interrogated, the procedure does not need to be repeated unless a new device is added to the bus. However, you can go offline and online at will by use of the Online Check Box. Every time that White Windows goes online with a device, it will upload all of the device parameters again to make sure that no discrepancy may exist.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Filters are associated with a given input or output channel and come in two basic flavors: an equalizer (EQ) filter, or a crossover. Crossovers are only available on the output channels. The 502X can implement up to 35 filters total in any distribution amongst channels. In order to make sure that dangerous out-of-band signal levels do not damage equipment, the 502X temporarily buffers changes to the filter structure until a confirmation command is sent to the device. This change pending indicator is represented by a yellow LED at the top of the channel dialog.
To confirm the change, hit the Now button (enclosed in the Engage group). To cancel the change, hit the Cancel button.
Avoid using this mechanism as an extended undo feature; certain actions will confirm filter changes automatically and perhaps unexpectedly.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Limiting adjusts the level of the output signal to guarantee that analog clipping will not occur due to digital boost in the signal. This guarantees that if there are crossovers on the outputs, dangerous frequency content will not be introduced after the crossover due to the clipping distortion in the analog hardware.
The limiting operation is entirely automatic and has no user-controlled parameters.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Tabular format One of the alternate methods to viewing equalizer filters is through the tabular format. This format, available from the Options | Tabular Format ... menu selection, presents a table of all equalizer (not crossover) filters.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Keyboard movement in tabular format To use the keyboard in the table, first click with the mouse somewhere on the table. This tells the Windows 95 operating system that the table should receive all keyboard input. The arrow keys, page-up and page-down keys, and the tab key move through the table, and the table will scroll accordingly in response to this. As the table scrolls, the top-most row (parameter labels) will not change.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Changing values in tabular format Values in each cell of the table can be changed using the space bar or double-clicking the mouse. In some cases this will cause a pop-up menu to appear with choices for the cell's value. In other cases, such as frequency, the value needs to be typed in. When the value must be input using the keyboard, the edit control in the upper-right corner of the dialog is used. To make a change, you can either hit the space bar (or double-click the mouse) on the desired cell in the table and type in the new value (hitting return when you are done) or you can click on the edit control and type in the text (again hitting return). Keyboard focus is automatically returned to the table when return is pressed. The help bar below the table will prompt you on the valid range of input when a text cell in selected for editing.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Tabular format options
The bandwidth value (Q) of parametric filters can be entered as fractions of an octave or as Q itself. The mode can be switched by use of the right mouse button on the Q or Bandwidth label cell at the top of the column. Filters can be bypassed (only when online) in tabular mode by toggling the Bypass button in the filter's row. The label cell at the top of the column allows a Set All/Clear All option available with the right mouse button.
Note: Bypassed filters are still present in the device but are momentarily disabled. The unit forgets the bypass condition upon reset, so this parameter is intended only to temporarily remove a filter's effects.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Other functions
White Windows provides various miscellaneous controls and functions summarized in the following topics:
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Memories Memories can be saved, restored and named. Access the memory dialog by the Memory button in the main menu. Double-clicking on a memory location will cause it to be recalled.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Security System passwords apply only to 502X models with front panel controls and may be changed only by the front panel of the device. 502X models without front panel controls have no system password feature.
If the password has been set ("----" is the same as no password) then the device will always power up in a locked state. To unlock the device, the password must be entered through the software. White Windows will prompt you for this when the device is connected.
If you want to lock the device after you have unlocked it, you can perform this action from the Security dialog available from the main dialog. Likewise, the device can be unlocked again from the same point.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Clip indicators
The LEDs on the input and output channels monitor the clip indicators on the front panel of the device. The clipping status is polled when no other communications are present on the bus. Because of the relatively slow speed of the serial port, as well as the absence of certain hardware that is used on the 502X device, the clip indicators offer only a rough approximation of the actual clip-indication circuit that is implemented on the unit itself. They can, however, be useful to indicate signal presence and general level when you are setting up the unit from a remote location. The clip indicators can be turned on and off from the Options | Monitor Clip Indicators menu selection.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
File commands Settings can be saved to a file at any time. Similarly, a file can be uploaded to White Windows in offline or online mode. In online mode, be aware that the device's current setting will be overwritten immediately. The safest practice is to upload the file in offline mode, verify that the settings are what you want, and then go online and indicate that the current settings should be uploaded to the hardware. The device settings can be printed to a text file at any time. Use the File | Print command.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
See the appropriate topic for your problem.
For those familiar with IQ communications:
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Cannot find any (or all) devices If devices are not found in interrogation, there are a number of possible problems:
- Cable is loose or miswired Verify that the cable has been properly wired according to the instructions for the interface device. Occasionally wires may pull loose from the connectors. If no units are found, this might be the problem. If any units are found, this is most likely not the issue.
- Interface The interface may need to be reset, particularly if you have cycled power on any of the 502X units or have had a communication timeout with one of the devices. Simply turn power off for a moment, turn it back on, and wait about 3 seconds before trying communication again.
- Wrong COM port settings Make sure you selected the correct serial port. Make sure the baud is set to 38400 in White Windows and in the interface (if selectable).
- Conflict in bus address All units of the same device type must have unique addresses.
- Using Fast Roll Call inappropriately If you have more than one device you should not use fast roll call. See the section on Connecting to hardware.
- Device has stopped responding Some communication errors may put the interface of the 502X into an invalid state. To clear this condition, the power should be cycled on the unit. Settings will not be lost on the device in this event.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
- Device has stopped responding Some communication errors may put the interface of the 502X into an invalid state. To clear this condition, the power should be cycled on the unit. Settings will not be lost on the device in this event.
- Wrong device type If a communication error occurs during bus interrogation, White Windows may have an invalid device address or type. Check the device list to verify that the type and address are correct. If anything looks wrong, repeat bus enumeration by Hardware | Find White Devices.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Other problems I am running out of filter capacity quickly. Why? The 502X can support a maximum of 35 filter units (seeDSP 5000 Series - Resource Table and Worksheet). Using limiting on two output channels require 5 filter units and 10 filter units are required for four channel limiting. Also, be aware that the 502X reserves the upper filter numbers for limiting and crossovers, so equalizer filters in this range will prohibit activation of limiting or addition of crossovers even when the device is under capacity. See Filters.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
DSP 5000 Series - Resource Table and Worksheet
Download the Acrobat version of the table and worksheet (it will fit standard letter size paper for printing). If the total is less than 36 (filter units), your configuration will fit in one DSP 5000 Series unit.
Filter: A frequency selective response entered in either the crossover or equalizer sections.
Possible filters are:
Butterworth (BW), Bessel (BE), Linkwitz-Riley (LR), Parametric (PM), High-Pass (HPF), Low-Pass (LPF), High Shelving (HSHLF), Low Shelving (LSHLF)
Edge: A crossover output bandpass response edge, high or low.
Crossover Section
Number of LR edges
x 2 =
Number of 6 or 12 dB/octave BW or BE edges
x 1 =
Number of 18 or 24 dB/octave BW or BE edges
x 2 =
Equalizer Section
Number of PM filters
x 1 =
Number of HSHLF or LSHLF filters
x 1 =
Number of 6 or 12 dB/octave HPF or LPF filters
x 1 =
Number of 18 or 24 dB/octave HPF or LPF filters
x 2 =
Limiting Section
ONE Channel Limited
= 2
TWO Channels Limited
= 5
THREE Channels Limited
= 7
FOUR Channels Limited
= 10
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Technical reference This section is intended as an aid in technical troubleshooting for people who are familiar with the IQ Ucode protocol
- Device Address
- Device Type
- Acknowledge byte
- Count
- Object ID
- Message ID
- Data
Transport Trailer Checksum (all bytes in communication packet, modulo 256)
---------------------------------------- Delay_A 70 46 46 ... In_Level_Left 74 4A 4A In_Level_Right 75 4B 4B Out_Level_A 76 4C 4C ... Filt_1_Chan 80 50 50 ... Filt_1_Type 115 73 73 ... Filt_1_Freq 150 96 96 01 ... Filt_1_Slope 185 B9 B9 01 ... Filt_1_Q 220 DC DC 01 ... FF_Dummy1 255 FF FF 01 ... Filt_1_Gain 256 100 80 02 ... Xover_AL_Shape 291 123 A3 02 ... Xover_AL_Slope 299 12B AB 02 ... Xover_AL_Freq 307 133 B3 02 ... Firmware vers. 315 13B BB 02 Left_Clip 316 13C BC 02 Right_Clip 317 13D BD 02 Output_Clip 318 13E BE 02 Limit_Enable_A 319 13F BF 02 ... Comp_Enable 323 143 C3 02 Link_Group_A 324 144 C4 02 ... Exp_Thresh_A 328 148 C8 02 ... Comp1_Thresh_A 332 14C CC 02 ... Comp2_Thresh_A 336 150 D0 02 ... Exp_Rat_A 340 154 D4 02 ... Comp1_Rat_A 344 158 D8 02 ... Comp2_Rat_A 348 15C DC 02 ... Attack_A 352 160 E0 02 ... Release_A 356 164 E4 02 ... Fixed_Gain_A 360 168 E8 02 ... Filter_Recalc 364 16C EC 02 (unused) 365 (unused) 366 Filt_1_Bypass 367 16F EF 02 ... Filt_16_Bypass 382 17E FE 02 FFDummy2 383 17F FF 02 Filt_17_Bypass 384 180 80 03 ...
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
Data security measures
In order to prevent corruption of your settings, never make a change to parameters while White Windows is online. Refrain from using the front panel or changing a contact-closure switch setting. If you want to make a change in one of these ways, take White Windows offline using the checkbox in the main window, execute the change, and then bring the program into online mode again. This will prevent discrepancies between the device's actual settings and White Window's copy of the parameters. Such discrepancies may cause White Windows to allow a parameter change that could overload the device's capacity and cause a reset.
The DSP502X does not save parameters to permanent memory until it is powered off or an explicit memory-save command is executed. Although unlikely, in the event that the unit should lockup or reset before power is removed, the changes to the current settings since the last power-up will be lost. Therefore it is recommended as good procedure to occasionally save the current settings to a spare memory location so that these can be recalled quickly in such an event. Again, the DSP502X has been designed and tested to avoid the possibility of any such failure when operated as specified, but nevertheless the practice of backing up your settings is suggested as part of a redundant data security measure.
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
To contact us:
White Instruments 1514 Ed Bluestein Blvd., Suite 304 Austin, TX 78721 Phone: (512) 389-5358 Fax: (512) 301-3932 Email: cvanr@whiteinstruments.com
Contents|Setting up the hardware | Getting started | Connecting to the hardware | Filters | Limiting
Tabular Format | Other functions | Troubleshooting | Technical reference
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